Vision Partners has designed a robust Image Acquisition unit that can create high-contrast images for mail items that may be wrinkled, plastic-wrapped or poorly printed.
The challenge with plastic packaging is that the LED lighting can cause glare on the camera image. This has been overcome by an LED dome concept that allows even plastic packaging to produce sharp images.
(LED dome; lighting architecture for image capture of reflective objects)
Another design consideration is the use of global shutter area-scan cameras. Even if the customer moves the package quickly, a sharp image is created without motion blur.
(Advantages of a global shutter camera architecture versus a rolling-shutter)
Vision Partners also wrote a camera-specific DLL for this client so that the camera module could be easily interpolated into the client's concept.
Thanks to this turn-key image acquisition module, the customer was able to put a great product on the market.
"It is very important to us that a company is flexible and reliable. Vision Partners delivered the project on budget and on schedule."